Remove Azure Disk from Linux Guest



I recently had the opportunity to work with a client that needed to remove some unused disks from Azure.  The guest operating system was Linux, not Windows.  This is not such a big deal except that the machine had a lot of disks attached and they were all of a similar size.  The question became, how to associate the Azure disks with the Linux representation.  If we remove the wrong disk from Azure we could corrupt a database or other unintended filesystem.

Azure Configuration

Below is a screen shot of the Azure configuration for this particular machine.  As you can see, there are many disks associated with this VM as this is a database server.

Notice that Azure lists the disks by LUN number.  Not in order, but this will be an important detail in the next step.

Mapping Linux Disks to Azure LUNs

We all know that the hardware associated with an Azure virtual machine that Linux sees is virtual.  Linux sees the disk devices as SCSI controllers and their respective attached hard drives.

If we run the lsscsi command, we can see all of the controllers and disks that Linux sees.


# lsscsi

[2:0:0:0]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sda

[3:0:1:0]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdb

[5:0:0:0]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdc

[5:0:0:1]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdh

[5:0:0:2]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdf

[5:0:0:3]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdd

[5:0:0:4]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdg

[5:0:0:5]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sde

[5:0:0:6]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdj

[5:0:0:7]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdi

[5:0:0:8]    disk    Msft     Virtual Disk     1.0   /dev/sdk


The lsscsi command maps the SCSI LUN ID to the /dev/sd* device.  The format of the SCSI identifier, example 5:0:0:1, is as follows:


  • 5 – SCSCI controller
  • 0 – Channel number
  • 0 – Target number
  • 1 – LUN ID


The LUN ID from lsscsi maps to the LUN identifier in Azure.


In this case, the disk devices are configured using Linux Logical Volume Manager (LVM) with filesystems mounted on top of logical volumes.


/dev/sda2                             30G    25G   3.5G  88%  /

/dev/mapper/ultra01vg-ultra01v01      1.0T   216G  809G  22%  /ultra01

/dev/mapper/ultra02vg-ultra021v01     1.0T   21G   1003G  3%  /ultra02

/dev/mapper/migrationvg-migrationlv01 2.0T   71M   1.9T   1%  /migration

/dev/mapper/backupvg-backuplv01       1007G  543G  413G  57%  /backup

/dev/mapper/db01vg-db01vglv01         2.0T   71M   1.9T   1%  /db01

/dev/mapper/ultra03vg-ultra03lv01     2.0T   749G  1.3T  37%  /ultra03

/dev/mapper/db02vg-db02vglv01         2.0T   81M   1.9T   1%  /db02

/dev/sda1                             497M   233M  264M  47%  /boot

/dev/mapper/db03vg-db03vglv01         1007G  77M   956G   1%  /db03

/dev/sda3                             978G   238G  691G  26%  /oracle


We want to remove all of the /db0* filesystems as we have migrated the database off of Azure Premium disks to Azure Ultra disks.  Clearly, if we detach the wrong disk from Azure the production database will crash.  We need to accurately pick the correct Azure disk so we don’t corrupt the production database.

We know that we need to remove the /db01, /db02 and /db03 filesystems.  Since LVM is in use, we need to backtrack through the LVM system to get at the Linux physical disk.  Using LVM commands vgs and pvs, we can see which Linux disks we need to remove.

Volume Groups:

# vgs

VG             #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize     VFree
backupvg       1   1   0 wz–n- <1023.00g    0
ultra02vg      1   1   0 wz–n- <1024.00g    0
ultra01vg      1   1   0 wz–n- <1024.00g    0
ultra03vg      1   1   0 wz–n-    <2.00t    0
db02vg         1   1   0 wz–n-    <2.00t    0
golivepvg      1   1   0 wz–n-    <2.00t    0
db01vg         2   1   0 wz–n-    <2.00t    0
db03vg         1   1   0 wz–n- <1023.00g    0

Physical Volumes:

# pvs

PV                VG              Fmt  Attr  PSize          PFree
/dev/sdc1  db01vg       lvm2 a–  <1023.00g    0
/dev/sdd1  db01vg       lvm2 a–  <1024.00g    0
/dev/sde1  migrationvg  lvm2 a–     <2.00t    0
/dev/sdf1  db03vg       lvm2 a–  <1023.00g    0
/dev/sdg1  db02vg       lvm2 a–     <2.00t    0
/dev/sdh1  backupvg     lvm2 a–  <1023.00g    0
/dev/sdi1  ultra02vg    lvm2 a–  <1024.00g    0
/dev/sdj1  ultra01vg    lvm2 a–     <2.00t    0
/dev/sdk1  ultra03vg    lvm2 a–  <1024.00g    0

Now we can map the filesystems in question all the way back to their Azure LUN ID by comparing the output of the pvs command to the output of the lsscsi command.

Filesystem Linux Device Azure LUN ID
/db01 /dev/sdc 0
/db01 /dev/sdd 3
/db02 /dev/sdg 4
/db03 /dev/sdf 2


Linux Removal Steps

We want to remove the disks gracefully from Linux.  This consists of filesystem and LVM commands to remove the configuration.


Step one is to unmount the filesystems.  Comment out the entries for the filesystems in /etc/fstab and then unmount.


# /dev/mapper/db01vg-db01vglv01     /db01       ext4      defaults      0 2
# /dev/mapper/db02vg-db02vglv01     /db02       ext4      defaults      0 2
# /dev/mapper/db03vg-db03vglv01     /db03       ext4      defaults      0 2

Unmount the filesystems:

# umount /db01
# umount /db02
# umount /db03


With the filesystems unmounted we can clean up the LVM configuration.

Remove the logical volumes.

lvremove -y /dev/db01vg/db01vglv01
lvremove -y /dev/db02vg/db02vglv01
lvremove -y /dev/db03vg/db03vglv01

Now, remove the volume groups.

vgremove /dev/db01vg
vgremove /dev/db02vg
vgremove /dev/db03vg

Lastly, remove the physical volumes.

pvremove /dev/sdc1
pvremove /dev/sdd1
pvremove /dev/sdf1
pvremove /dev/sdg1

At this point, all Linux components have been removed.  The disks can now be detached from the Azure virtual machine.


The tricky part about removing storage in a public cloud is figuring out which is the correct disk to remove.  Database machines routinely have many disks attached to them.  In this blog we show how to accurately identify the correct disk to remove, along with the Linux steps to perform the removal.

In the next blog, we will focus on the intricacies of removing storage in AWS.

Table of Contents

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