Maximize Migrations and Operations with the Right Tools


The House of Brick Podcast 

The House of Brick Podcast is a series of conversations with important partners and clients, as well as our own consultants or industry experts.  The intent of the podcast is to share, educate and advise listeners on best practices for business-critical database platforms.   

From Oracle licensing to database cloud migrations, real-world options are discussed, assessed, and recommended. Companies looking to optimize their business systems, including reducing costs and improving performance, would benefit from topics such as: 

  • Being prepared for a potential Oracle or Microsoft audit 
  • Database licensing on premise vs the cloud 
  • License management for Oracle and SQL Server 
  • Migrating Oracle to an alternative database platform 
  • High availability and disaster recovery best practices 
  • Virtualization of business-critical systems and database platforms 
  • And other Oracle and SQL Server deployment and license management topics 

Maximize Migrations and Operations with the Right Tools

Bob Lindquist hosts Nathan Biggs, OpsCompass CEO and Forbes Technology Council member, OpsCompass CTO, John Grange. In this podcast, the discussion is about a how clients are leveraging House of Brick consulting services and OpsCompass software tools to move Oracle to cloud for an optimal and compliant migration: 

  • How does House of Brick help customers solve their database and cloud problems? 
  • How do OpsCompass tools provide visibility into a customer’s cloud configuration state? 
  • Why is a Cloud Intelligence Platform important for customers with Oracle or other workloads? 
  • Why is it important for Oracle and other database customers to do a compliant cloud migration? 
  • How can HoB services and OC tools help with initial planning, actual migration, and ongoing operations? 
  • Can House of Brick consulting help customers help move customers off Oracle to cloud native platforms? 
  • Why should customers use tools like OpsCompass to manage the “hyperscale sprawl” of public clouds? 

Reference items: 



Table of Contents

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