Oracle Hub Page

Simplify security for all your Oracle databases

The threat to data has never been greater. Our Oracle database security solution helps you implement and monitor security controls, assess user security, and evaluate your overall risk profile, all from a single dashboard.

Identify and remediate Oracle database security problems faster

Being able to quickly evaluate database security posture whether in the cloud or on-premises – is a critical component of modern data strategies. We help you enhance your data security program while optimizing for lower costs and hybrid deployment options.    

Continuous Security Assessment

Identify, categorize, and prioritize Oracle database risks with comprehensive assessment reports on security parameters, in-use security controls, and user privileges & roles. 

Enforce Least-Privilege Access

Identify risky behavior and overprivileged users at scale and across all of your Oracle databases. See which users present the highest risk, review privileges granted to those users, and remediate security problems faster.

Multi-cloud + On-premises

Secure your Oracle databases whether they’re on VMware in your data center or in a hyperscaler public cloud like AWS, Azure, GCP, or OCI.Â