Andy Kerber (@dbakerber), Senior Consultant In this post, we are going to build a MySQL active-passive cluster using Pacemaker, Corosync, and DRBD. This was originally
Jim Hannan (@jim_m_hannan), Principal Architect; Nick Walter, Principal Architect; and Bob Lindquist, Director of Client Services In this blog we take a look at some trends that
Nathan Biggs (@nathanbiggs), CEO In 2006, House of Brick pioneered the use of virtualization technology for enterprise-class Oracle applications when we helped one of the
Andy Kerber (@dbakerber), Senior Consultant In this blog I will examine the effects ‘setall’ and ‘none’ on the Oracle initialization parameter filesystemio_options. This setting is
Nathan Biggs (@nathanbiggs), CEO When it comes to messaging coming from the Oracle sales team on how to properly license their software, the misleading information
Dave Welch (@OraVBCA), CTO and Chief Evangelist A Former Professional Life The Product Integration Group was established at a former employer by a visionary president.
Nathan Biggs (@nathanbiggs), CEO In November of 2016, I wrote a blog post that followed the announcement by VMware and Amazon about the VMware Cloud
Jim Hannan (@jim_m_hannan), Principal Architect Back in 2014, I wrote a blog VMFS vs. RDM Part 1, and with the introduction of vSphere 6 and
The Good: Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) Performance & Benefits Oracle Database Appliance (ODA) is marketed as an all-in-one solution that simplifies database deployment and management.
by Joe Grant (@dba_jedi), Principal Architect This summer I was involved with a large-scale datacenter move for one of our clients. Rather than maintaining their
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